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(ACT XXI OF 1860)


Date of Formation:
Registration No./ Date:
Submitted by

To promote advance knowledge of peritoneal dialysis and to promote advancement of such knowledge through national scientific meetings and scientific publications. The society is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes and advancement of peritoneal dialysis

The Association also may as circumstances dictate and as allowed by these laws expand its objectives:

  1. To provide technical consultancy for peritoneal dialysis.
  2. To contribute to manpower development, knowledge dissemination and promote public Awareness
  3. To bring about intra and inter country communication for a better appreciation among the members and in between similar profession in other countries
  4. To hold conferences, conventions, seminars and expositions in the stated fields of Peritoneal Dialysis
  5. To consider or formulate opinions upon all questions connected with Peritoneal Dialysis
  6. To maintain library of books or publications of technical interest so as to spread technical information or knowledge of Peritoneal Dialysis
  7. To establish exhibition of products in connection with Peritoneal Dialysis.
  8. To initiate social service among members
  9. To construct premises for Association or alter or add or remove any such building.
  10. To borrow or raise any finance required for the purpose of association upon such terms and matters and on such securities as may be required
  11. To start training institutions and Diploma/Certificate Courses on Peritoneal Dialysis.
  12. To publish magazine, pamphlets, newsletters in connection with the object of association
  13. To develop/ explore various techniques of peritoneal dialysis
  14. To subscribe to associate with any co-operative or other associations whether incorporated or not, whose objects are wholly or partially identical with or similar to those of the Association.
  15. The benefit of the object of association shall be extended to all General public irrespective of caste, creed, religion or sex.
  16. To make upfront fee and other fee and expense fixed by the Government, Local Authority for holding the lease land.
  • The name of the Association is “PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOCIETY OF INDIA“and the registered office of the Association is PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOCIETY OF INDIA, C/o Dr.Georgi Abraham,9/2,15th Avenue , Harrington Road , Chennai -600031 (INDIA).
  • Objective of the Association is:
  • The governing body to whom, by the rules and regulations of the Association, the management of its affairs is entrusted shall be called “ The Executive Committee “ which is to consist of not more than 7 members of the Association including a President, President-Elect, Secretary cum Treasurer, Joint Secretary and 3 (three) Committee members.
  • The name and addresses of the person who are members of and who form the first executive committee are as follows:-

Dr. K C Prakash      Pan No : AFWCC2319A
S/o Mr. Chandrasekhar
Flat No.4, 28/49, Rukmani street,
Kalakshetra colony,

Secretary cum Treasurer

Dr. Rajan Ravichandran     Pan No : AAFPR5834C
S/o S Rajan
7/23, III Main Road,
Kottur Garden


Dr. Georgi Abraham     Pan No : AACPG8284A
S/o K E Abraham
9/2,15th Avenue
Harrington Road

Dr.Satish M Rao     Pan No : AAIPS7740P
S/o M. Madhava Rao
New No.7, Old No 3
Venkatapathy Street
Kilpauk, Chennai-600010

Dr. S.Sundar      Pan No : ABJPS4244C
S/o Dr. J.Sankaran,
B 105/106, Shriram Sreshti Apartments
Sumangali Sevashram Road,

Dr.Arup Rattan Dutta      Pan No.ACNPD4871D
S/o S.N.Dutta,
D, 555,Lake Garden
Kolkatta 700045

Dr.Amit Gupta     Pan No : AAQPG9656C
S/o Arun Kumar Gupta,
Type V B-5, SGPGI Campus,
Raibareily Road



  • In these rules The Association means “ PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOCIETY OF INDIA”
  • The registered address is PERITONEAL DIALYSIS SOCIETY OF INDIA,C/o Dr.Georgi Abraham, 9/2,15th Avenue, Harrington Road, Chennai –600031(INDIA)
  • Office hours : on all Government working days between 9.00 am to 5.00 pm
  • Date of formation : “The committee” means the Governing Body to whom by these rules the Management of the Association is entrusted.



  • Every member shall abide by the Memorandum and the Rules and Regulations of the Association and other rules, regulations and bye-laws of the Association.
  • The individual and organization member shall be eligible to get communication leaflets and such other related publications of the Association and participate in the activities of the Association.
  • Voting Rights shall accrue to the individual as also Organization Members.



  • Full membership will be open to all doctors who are actively involved in peritoneal dialysis


  • Associate membership will be open to all nurses, technicians and dietitians involved in peritoneal dialysis. However, they would have to be employed in a hospital and would need a recommendation from a full member of the society.


  • Guest membership will be open to doctors and other professionals from India and also from other countries. However, they will not enjoy any voting privileges and cannot stand for any office.



  • Corporate membership will be open to
    • Companies who are major sponsors of the programs
    • Companies dealing in products related to peritoneal dialysis or nephrology in general.



  • The Executive Committee may confer Honorary Membership of the Association to any individual who has made significant contribution in the pursuit of the stated objectives. An honorary member shall be eligible to get communications, leaflets, and such other related publication of the Association and participate in the activities of the Association. No voting rights shall accrue to the Honorary Members.
  • The guidelines for experiences in the stated fields and qualifications to become eligible to be considered for the above said classes of membership shall be as decided by the General Body of Association based on the recommendations of the Executive committee from time to time.
    • Any member may cease to be member of the association by giving one calendar month’s notice in writing to the Secretary cum Treasurer of his intention to do so, and upon the expiration of the notice such member shall cease to be member, provided the committee shall have power to accept it earlier. Such notice may however be withdrawn within the period of one month before acceptance.
    • Membership shall also cease:
      • In the case of Individual, upon their adjudication as insolvent.
      • In the case of companies and corporations upon their being wound up and
      • In the case of Association upon their dissolution or on being wound up.
  • There will be only life membership dues as under:
    • Full members: Rs.1000/-
    • Associate Members: Rs. 500/-
    • Guest Members:
      • From SAARC Countries Rs.1000/-
      • Other Countries US$ 150
      • Corporate Members Rs. 1, 00,000/-

The need for revision of membership fee will be decided by the Governing council and would need to be approved by the General Body.

  • if it shall appear to the Committee that any member has not conformed to these rules or to the Bye-laws or Regulations of the Association or that any member has been guilty of any conduct likely to reflect detrimentally on the Association, it shall be competent to request such member to resign and if the member so requested shall not resign within two weeks after such request the Committee shall thereupon convene a special General Meeting and if at such meeting a majority of two thirds of the members present and voting, vote for the expulsion of the member as offending, such member shall thereupon cease to be a member.
  • A member who absents himself/herself for three consecutive meetings without intimation or without any valid reason shall cease to be member in the executive committee.
  • Only members have the right to vote in the election, all members enjoy equal right to participate in the affairs of the Association
  • Every member has the right to peruse the records and accounts of the association after giving due notice in writing to President /Secretary
  • Each year a Register of members shall be opened in which shall be set forth the names and addresses of the members for the time being-individual, representative, affiliated in which all changes in membership from time to time taking place shall be recorded. The register as on date of notice of a meeting or of notice of an election shall be the final list of members of electoral roll for the purpose of the meeting or election concerned.


  • The Management of the Association shall vest in a committee consisting of :
    • One President
    • One President Elect
    • One Secretary cum Treasurer
    • One Joint Secretary and
    • Council Members: 7 other members. Of the seven, two will be representatives of the associate members but they would have to be from 2 different zones (viz. North, East, South, Central & West). Five members of the council will be elected by the full members and they would be from the 5 different zones (North, East, South, Central & West.).
    • North Zone: J.K., Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh
    • Central Zone: Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh
    • East Zone : Bihar, West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Orissa, Nagaland, Tripura,Mizoram, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh
    • South Zone : Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka
    • West Zone: Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa
  • The President, President Elect, Secretary cum Treasurer, the Joint Secretary and 3 Executive committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for a period of two years. The Secretary cum Treasurer may be re-elected for a maximum of two terms.
  • If any vacancy occurs among the office bearers or member of the Committee, the Committee shall elect a member to fill up the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. The Committee shall in addition to the powers conferred on it by these rules have power generally to supply the funds of the Association in furtherance of its objects and to do all other acts relating to the work and management of the Association.
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to meet all the expenses with the funds of Association to achieve the objects of the Association.
  • The President shall have the discretionary powers in all matters not specially provided for in these rules or in the bye-laws, if any, passed by the Committee and all the activities of the Association will be governed by him.
  • The President shall also employ the necessary staff required for running the Association with the prior approval of the Executive Committee. The service conditions of such employees shall be determined by the Committee with reference to rules in force.
  • Subject to the control of the Executive Committee, the Secretary cum Treasurer shall have and exercise the following duties and powers:-
    • The attending to the ordinary work of the Association.
    • The holding of all correspondence relating to the affairs of the Association.
    • Recruiting such staff as considered essential, fixing their remuneration in consultation and with the concurrence of the office bearers, and circulating the same to the Committee members for information and ratification.
    • The supervision and disciplinary control of the staff including the powers of imposing fines and of suspending for a period not exceeding one month.
    • The granting of leave to the staff and filling up of temporary vacancies among them, not exceeding one month.
    • The disposal of any other matter that may be entrusted to him by the committee for orders.
    • All other matters of importance or involving a principal or general application or as to the appointment and dismissal of staff subject to clause (d) shall be placed by the secretary before the executive committee for orders.
    • It shall be competent to the Secretary, subject to the prior approval of the Committee, to delegate any of the duties and powers mentioned in this rule to any one or more of the employees of the Association.
  • The Committee shall meet not less than once in six months but special meetings of the Committee may be convened by the secretary and shall be so convened on the written requisition of not less than three members of the Committee for any specified purposes, provided that notice of such meeting shall be given not less than seven days in advance to the Secretary.cum Treasurer.
  • The Secretary cum Treasurer will convene governing body meeting atleast once in six months and shall record the proceedings of the same and shall manage the correspondence, prepare annual report and agenda of the meeting. Secretary is responsible for the safe custody of documents of the Association
  • For every meeting, members shall be given at least seven days notice unless the Secretary considers, in cases of urgency, that shorter notice is sufficient
  • The quorum for all meetings of the Committee shall be one third of members.
  • The President shall preside at all the meetings of the committee and in the absence of the President; the members present shall elect a President.
  • In all matters, the decision of the majority shall prevail and in case of an equality of votes, the President shall have a second or casting vote
  • A minutes Book shall be kept by the Secretary cum Treasurer in which the resolution of the Committee shall be recorded
  • The Committee shall have power to dispose off routine and unimportant matters by taking the opinions of the members by circulation instead of at a meeting of the Committee
  • The Committee Membership is honorary and shall not be eligible for any remuneration. However, they are eligible for reimbursement for actual expenses incurred in connection with the activity of the association as per the rules framed from time to time.
    • The attending to the ordinary work of the Association.
    • The holding of all correspondence relating to the affairs of the Association.
    • Recruiting such staff as considered essential, fixing their remuneration in consultation and with the concurrence of the office bearers, and circulating the same to the Committee members for information and ratification.
    • The supervision and disciplinary control of the staff including the powers of imposing fines and of suspending for a period not exceeding one month.
    • The granting of leave to the staff and filling up of temporary vacancies among them, not exceeding one month.
    • The disposal of any other matter that may be entrusted to him by the committee for orders.
    • All other matters of importance or involving a principal or general application or as to the appointment and dismissal of staff subject to clause (d) supra shall be placed by the secretary before the executive committee for orders.
    • It shall be competent to the Secretary, subject to the prior approval of the Committee, to delegate any of the duties and powers mentioned in this rule to any one or more of the employees of the Association.


  • The Secretary cum Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the monies collected and disbursed on behalf of the association by the way of subscription, donation, gifts, grants and other receipts of association.
  • All money received on behalf of the association shall as soon as possible be deposited in the name of the association in any scheduled bank or banks as may be decided by the committee and the accounts of the association shall be operated by Secretary cum Treasurer.
  • The accounts of the association shall be audited by a qualified auditor other than a member of the Executive Committee or outsider elected by the members of the General body at the Annual General Body Meeting on remuneration to be fixed by the said General Body.



  • The Annual General Meetings shall be held before the month of September every year at such place and time, as the Committee decides
    • To receive and approve the Annual Report of the Committee and the audited Statement of Accounts of the Association for the previous year.
    • To elect office-bearers and members of the Executive Committee if required
    • To appoint an auditor for the ensuing year and fix his remuneration and
    • To discuss any subject that may be brought forward by any member of which notice in writing had been given to the Secretary no less than three days in advance of the meeting day.
  • All the members of the Association are also the members of the General Body
  • The General Body will meet at least once in each financial year; Twenty one days notice shall be given to the members of the General Body.
  • The notices will be sent to all the members by post or by circular or by advertisement in the newspaper. The governing body will not be responsible for the non-receipt of the notice about the General Body meeting. The notice will specify the day, hour and place and the object of the meeting and incase any amendment of a bye-law or object of Association as contained in the Memorandum is intended to be proposed shall contain a copy of every such amendment.
  • The quorum for all meetings of the Society shall be ten percent of the total number of members.
  • If the general body meetings, ordinary or special, called for by the Executive Committee cannot be held for want of quorum, the same shall be adjourned to the following week at the same hour.
  • The Committee may of its own motion and shall at the written request of not less than two-third of members, convenes a special general meeting of the Society for considering any specified subject or subjects. But in all such cases, not less than 21 days notice shall ordinarily be given to the members unless the committee considers in cases of urgency that shorter notice is sufficient.
  • The President shall preside at all meetings of the Committee and in the absence of him the members shall elect a President..
  • In all matters, the decision of the majority shall prevail and in case of an equality of votes the members presiding shall have a second of casting votes.
  • The proceedings of every meeting shall be recorded in a book to be kept for the purpose by the Secretary and signed by the members presiding at the next meeting.
  • The secretary shall arrange to exhibit the register of members, the minute’s book and the books of account at the registered office of the Society during business hours for inspection by its members free of charge.
  • Any person who is allowed to inspect the documents shall not be entitled to take a copy of such document. Any request for the inspection of document shall be made in writing addressed to the secretary.
  • Bye-laws made by the General Body shall be notified to the members of the Society within one month of the making of the bye-laws, and such bye-laws shall have the same force as the Rules of the Society until rescinded or modified by a resolution of the Society and approved through ordinary resolution.
  • The Society may, either at the Annual General Meeting or at any special General Meeting, add to alter or repeal any of the Rules of the Society or the Bye-laws made by the Committee, provided that no rule shall be altered or repealed except at a meeting at which not less than three fourths of the total number of members, are present and provided that no Rule shall be altered or repealed unless three fourths of the said members present and voting, vote for such alteration or repeal.
  • The Members are entitled to get copy of Memorandum of Association, Bye-laws of Association and copy of Annual accounts.
  • The members are at liberty to verify the accounts and other documents of the Society.
  • AMENDEMENT: Any amendment to the instrument in the object clause or in the bye-law except the routine appointment in the office bearers shall be done with a prior permission from the Director , Income Tax (Exemptions), Chennai.
  • TERRITORY: The activities of the Association/Society shall be confined to the territory of India
  • FUNDS: the funds of the Association/Society shall be utilized for the object of the Association /Society and no portion shall be distributed in any manner to the members or to the governing body or to the persons defined in section 13 (1C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • The funds of the Association/Society shall be utilized for the object of the Association/Society and unutilized funds shall be invested as provided in section 11(5) of Income Tax Act and no portion shall be distributed in any manner to the members or to the governing body or to the persons defined in section 13(1C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • RESTRICTIONS: No part of the net earnings shall insure to the benefits of or be distributable to its members, officers or private persons, except that the society may reimburse reasonable services rendered and make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in Article II above.
    • No substantial part of the activities of the society shall be that of carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation and the society shall not participate in, or intervene (including the publication or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidates for public office
  • ALIENATION OF PROPERTY: Alienation of immovable property shall be with prior approval of Director of the Income Tax Exemptions, Chennai
  • SPECIAL RESOLUTION: Resolution required to be passed as special resolution need to be passed in the General Body Meeting attended by at least of total members and favored by at least three-fourth of members attending in the meeting.\
  • DISSOLUTION: Upon dissolution of the society, the officers and councilors shall, after paying or making provision for the payments of all of the liabilities of the organizations , dispose of all of the assets of the society exclusively for the purposes of the society in such a manner (or to such organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable , educational , religious, scientific purposes as at the time shall qualify as an exempt organization), as the Officers and Councilors shall determine.
  • The Association/Society is irrevocable.
  • APPEAL: Any member removed from the membership by the Committee shall have the right to appeal to the General Body and its decision will be final and binding on all.